We are flâneurs in and between graphic design cultures. We want to resist cultural centrisms, as well as arbitrariness and egalitarianism. We respect synthesis, but we pursue resonance. We’re trying to move past preconceptions and focus on collecting new experiences. And we hope to find a common platform for these exchanges.
Inter Graphic View is about transcending, expanding, and enhancing graphic design languages—visual languages as well as the applied languages in graphic design discourse.
Inter Graphic View is about developing a polyglot, translational intelligence that enables us to step outside of ourselves and engage with alternative contexts.
Inter Graphic View is about resisting identitarian isolation and its antithesis—omnipresent uniformity.
Inter Graphic View collects interviews with graphic designers from around the world and lists the collection’s core notions and their derivations. Inter Graphic View displays commentary by guest authors on particular works and on some of the listed notions. In addition, Inter Graphic View offers essayistic short films about the cities where we met our dialog partners.
Inter Graphic View is a journey that has just begun.
Inter Graphic View is a research project initiated in 2015 by Ingo Offermanns, Prof. for Graphic Design at University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (HFBK), in the context of Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU). In 2017 Tetsuya Goto, Prof. for Cultural Design at Kindai University, Osaka, joined the project as co-editor. In 2021, Saki Ho, founder for Research Studio at Hamburg, Germany joined as co-editor in chief.
Ingo Offermanns
Editors in chief:
Ingo Offermanns
Saki Ho
Editorial assistant:
Lea Sievertsen
Kiki Park
With contributions by:
Ingo Offermanns
Kiyonori Muroga
Xiao Mage
Vorathit (Tap) Kruavanichkit
Kwangchul Kim
Saki Ho
Tetsuya Goto
Min Choi
Project support:
Beate Anspach
Special thanks to:
Andreas Schlaegel
Juliet van Rosendaal
Caspar Reus
Marlborough Galleries London
Tina Ladwig
Axel Dürkop
David Liebermann
Essayistic short films:
Shuchang Xie
Shuchang Xie
Edward Greiner
Design PDFs and film graphics:
Max Prediger
Video clips (social media):
Edward Greiner
Translation and copy editing:
Katie Bruton (with support ofAstrid Herbold)
Roman Fischer
Maintenance website:
Claudia Koch
The Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK) is a corporation under public law. It is legally represented by President Martin Köttering.
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Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Gleichstellung (Authority for Science, Research, and Equality), Hamburger Str. 37, 22083 Hamburg
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DE 0000000
Person responsible for content under § 55 Sec. 2 RStV:
Prof. Martin Köttering (address as above)
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The content of these websites is protected by copyright law. No illustrations and photographic images on the websites of the Hochschule für bildenden Künste Hamburg (HFBK) may be copied, reproduced, or distributed without permission.
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The Data protection statement of the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg applies.

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